Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
"Asian Cinema: Time, History, Memory" 7FMST003W Module
"Building 1: Creativity, Design and Platforms" 7INME003W Module
"Contemporary Television: Diversity, Aesthetics, Platforms" 7TVST003W Module
"Distribution, Exhibition and Marketing" 7FMPR005W Module
"Diversity in the Media: Models, Institutions, Practices" 7MEDS012W Module
"Documentary Aesthetics, Sites and Spectatorship" 7FMST012W Module
"Feature, Review and Profile Writing" 7JRNL013W Module
"Key Concepts in Film, Television and Moving Image" 7FMST001W Module
"Media Law, Ethics and Regulation" 7JRNL009W Module
"Media Law, Regulation and Ethics" 6MECM005W Module
"Media, Activism and Politics" 7MEDS015W Module
"Persuasion, Propaganda and Influence" 7PURL002W Module
"Politics, Journalism and the Media" 5MECM015W Module
"Reality VR, AR, and MR" 5GPDS010W Module
"Reporting Diversity: Gender, Sexuality, Age, Disability" 7MEDS006W Module
"Screen 2: Identities: Race, Class and Gender in Film and Television" 5FMST001W Module
"Stories, Updates, Feeds: Multiplatform News" 5MECM006W Module
"Technology, Culture and Society" 6MECM011W Module
"TV: Ideas, Identities, Issues" 4TVPR009W Module
2D Computer Animation 4ANIM009W Module
3D Computer Animation 5ANIM004W Module
Advanced Independent Study 7MEST001W Module
Advanced Independent Study (Diversity and the Media) 7MEDS001W Module
Advanced Media Management (MUAS) 6MECM003C Module
Advanced Production 6CINE001W Module
Advanced Screenplay Preparation 7FMST013W Module
Advanced Screenwriting 6CINE004W Module
Advanced Television Projects 6TVPR001W Module
Advanced Web Production and Design 5MEST008W Module
Advertising and Promotional Culture 5PURL001W Module
Animated Documentary Research Presentations 6ANIM005W Module
Animation: Contexts and Approaches 4ANIM001W Module
Animation: Storytelling and Narrative 4ANIM002W Module
Applied Design (IED) 5DEST001C Module
Applied Innovation (IED) 5ENTP007C Module
Applied Practice 5GPDS006W Module
Applied Technology (IED) 5BUIS016C Module
Approaches to Social and Cultural Diversity 7MEDS003W Module
Artificial Intelligence and Society 7BUIS031W Module
Audio Storytelling 6MECM006W Module
Authorship and Interaction 5GPDS001W Module
BA Television Extended Work Placement 5TVPR013W Module
Bachelor Seminar (Dissertation) (MUAS) 6MEDP004C Module
Brand and Marketing Communications 7PURL001W Module
Brands 5GPDS008W Module
Breaking Boundaries in TV 5TVPR002W Module
Broadcast News 7JRNL001W Module
Building 2: The business of digital and interactive storytelling 7INME004W Module
Campaigning: Persuasion & Influence 4PURL002W Module
Celebrity Culture and the Media 4MEST014W Module
Celebrity Culture and the Media 5MECM011W Module
Cinema Distribution and Exhibition 7FMST002W Module
Cinema Dream and Fantasy 5CINE006W Module
Cinemas of the World: Contemporary Issues and Trends 5CINE003W Module
Collection 1 (IED Barcelona) 4FADE022C Module
Collection 2 (IED Barcelona) 5FADE020C Module
Collection 3 (IED Barcelona) 6FADE014C Module
Commercial Music Radio Production 5MECM010W Module
Communication Skills (MUAS) 6MECM005C Module
Communications Planning and Management 7PURL005W Module
Communications Policy and Development 7COMM003W Module
Constructing the Real: Documentary Filmmaking 4CINE006W Module
Construction 1 (IED Barcelona) 4FADE020C Module
Construction 2 (IED Barcelona) 5FADE019C Module
Consumer Culture and Society 5MECM007W Module
Contemporary Brand Management (MUAS) 6MECM007C Module
Contemporary British Cinema and Television 5CINE002W Module
Contemporary Issues in Media Policy (DMC) 6MEST009W Module
Contemporary Issues in Moving Image and Screen Studies 7FMST014W Module
Contemporary Media Practice (MUAS) 4MECM004C Module
Contemporary Media Practice (MUAS) 4MECM008C Module
Contemporary Television Drama 5CINE005W Module
Content and Communities: Launching a Digital Publication 5MECM005W Module
Contextual Studies Report 6GPDS001W Module
Contextualised Practice 5ILLU010W Module
Corporate Communications and Reputation Management 7PURL003W Module
Creating Digital Content 4MECM001W Module
Creative Advertising 6MECM007W Module
Creative and Business Acumen 7FMPR003W Module
Creative Industries and Professional Life 4MECM002W Module
Creative/Specialist Long Form Journalism 6MECM010W Module
Creativity (DMC) 5MEST010W Module
Creativity and Collaboration (Film) 4CINE007W Module
Critical Enquiry 5ILLU012W Module
Critical Issues in Campaigning 7MEDS013W Module
Cultural Industries and Media Markets (DMC) 5MEST011W Module
Culture (IED Barcelona) 4FADE017C Module
Current Topics in Digital Design (MUAS) 6MEDP003C Module
Current Topics in Media Management (MUAS) 6MECM001C Module
Data and Society 6MECM004W Module
Data and Society: Concepts and Applications 7BDIN008W Module
Data and Society: Research and Methods 7BDIN009W Module
Design Cultures 4GPDS001W Module
Design for Mobile Platforms 5MEST009W Module
Design Fundamentals (IED) 4DEST001C Module
Design Management (IED) 6DEST001C Module
Design Methods & Theory II (MUAS) 5MEDP004C Module
Design Practice II (MUAS) 5MEDP002C Module
Design Practice III (MUAS) 5MEDP003C Module
Design Practice IIII (MUAS) 6MEDP002C Module
Design Principles I (MUAS) 4MEDP003C Module
Design Principles II (MUAS) 4MEDP005C Module
Design Process 4GPDS002W Module
Design Thinking applied to Media and Communication practice 5MECM012W Module
Design Thinking for Learning (WIUT) 5DEST002C Module
Designing for Games 5ILLU015W Module
Designing Narrative Experiences 5WSEL010W Module
Developing Communication Practice (MUAS) 5MECM002C Module
Developing Contemporary Management (MUAS) 5MECM001C Module
Developing Contemporary Management (MUAS) 5MECM005C Module
Developing effective leadership within media organisations 7MECM009W Module
Developing Your Film Career 7FMPR002W Module
Digital Aesthetics (CGI 1) 5ANIM001W Module
Digital And Interactive Storytelling Core 7INME001W Module
Digital Arts 1 4ILLU005W Module
Digital Arts 2 5ANIM007W Module
DIgital Business and Live Entertainment (MUAS) 5EBUS001C Module
Digital First: Introduction to Producing Online and Multimedia Journalism 4JRNL003W Module
Digital Journalism Production 7JRNL018W Module
Digital Magazine Publishing 7JRNL024W Module
Digital Marketing 7MEST005W Module
Digital Media - Development and Production 7MECM004W Module
Digital media - development and production 7MECM004C Module
Digital Media and Critical Theory 7MEDS004W Module
Digital Media and Society 4MECM003W Module
Digital Media Business: Strategy and Entrepreneurship 7COMM007W Module
Digital Media Extended Work Placement 6MECM015W Module
Digital Media Extended Work Placement 5MEST017W Module
Digital Media Production 7MEDP001W Module
Digital Media Production Project 6MEST007W Module
Digital Media Project 6MECM001W Module
Digital Media Study Abroad 6MECM014W Module
Digital media: distribution and marketing 7MECM006W Module
Digital Storytelling 5RDPR001W Module
Dissertation 6MEST006W Module
Dissertation 6MECM002W Module
Dissertation 6CINE002W Module
Dissertation (MUAS) 6MECM004C Module
Dissertation or Professional Project 7MEDS016W Module
Dissertation Proposal 5ILLU013W Module
Dissertation: Television 6TVPR002W Module
Diversity and the Media 6MECM008W Module
Diversity and the Media 6MEST014W Module
Documentary Animation 5ANIM005W Module
Documentary Illustration 4ILLU011W Module
Documentary Production 6CINE005W Module
Documentary Skills 7JRNL003W Module
Drama Production 5CINE001W Module
Drama: Storytelling for TV 5TVPR007W Module
Drawing & Visual Literacies 4ILLU008W Module
Drawing Explorations 4ILLU003W Module
Drawing Systems 5ILLU002W Module
Emerging Journalism 7JRNL014W Module
Entrepreneurship In Contemporary Media (MUAS) 6MECM002C Module
Experimental Film Development: Film Two 4ANIM005W Module
Exploring Research in Media and Communication 4MECM004W Module
Extended Research Essay 6MEST012W Module
Extended Research Essay CMP 6MEST011W Module
Extended Research Essay/Television 6TVPR004W Module
Extended Work Placement (Visual Media) 5GPDS011W Module
Factual Television Production (Documentary and Multicamera Studio) 5TVPR003W Module
Fashion Business Culture (MUAS) 4FAMN012C Module
Fashion Futures (IED) 6FAMNK011C Module
Fashion Product Development (MUAS) 5FAMN016C Module
Fashion Promotion and PR 7PURL004W Module
Film Business Final Project 7FMPR008W Module
Film Finance and Funding models 7FMPR004W Module
Film Five: Minor Project Development 6ANIM001W Module
Film Industry Work Placement 7FMPR006W Module
Film Programming and Moving Image Curation 7FMST011W Module
Final Collection (IED Barcelona) 6FADE017C Module
Final Documentary Project (Radio) 7JRNL019W Module
Final Documentary Project (Video) 7JRNL004W Module
Final Journalism Project 7JRNL022W Module
Final Journalism Project 7JRNL005W Module
Final Journalism Project 6JRNL001W Module
Final Professional Public Relations Project 7PURL011W Module
Final Project 7TVST001W Module
Final Project Emerging Journalism 7JRNL006W Module
Foundations Of Brand Management (MUAS) 4MECM005C Module
Global Media 7MEST002W Module
Global Practice 5ILLU003W Module
Going Live! - TV studio production 5TVPR008W Module
Graduation Project Development 6ANIM003W Module
Graphic Design (WIUT) 4GPDS001C Module
Graphic Explorations 5ILLU004W Module
Graphic Explorations 4GPDS004W Module
Hack Lab and Creative Technology 7MUPR007W Module
Ideas and concepts in Digital and Interactive Storytelling 7INME002W Module
Illustration: Contexts and Cultures 4ILLU001W Module
In the Studio 4TVPR002W Module
Individual Audio Project 6RDPR001W Module
Individual Practice Project 6MECM003W Module
Industry 1: Working in Professional Contexts 4ILLU012W Module
Industry 2: Professional Practice and Enterprise 5ILLU011W Module
Information Applications 6GPDS004W Module
Information Society (DMC) 5MEST012W Module
Innovation and Interactive Design 7MUPR011W Module
Innovation Fundamentals (IED) 4BUSS006C Module
Innovation Management (IED) 6ENTP008C Module
Integrated Communication (MUAS) 5MECM004C Module
International Film Industry and Global Markets 7FMPR007W Module
Internet Cultures 5MECM003W Module
Internet Cultures 4MEST009W Module
Internship (MUAS) 6MEDP006C Module
Internship (MUAS) 6MECM006C Module
Interpretation and Adaptation for Animation 5ANIM002W Module
Introducing Design Practice I (MUAS) 4MEDP002C Module
Introduction Design Methods and Theory I (MUAS) 4MEDP004C Module
Introduction to Consumer and Lifestyle Journalism 4JRNL005W Module
Introduction To Contemporary Management (MUAS) 4MECM003C Module
Introduction to Film and Television 4CINE005W Module
Introduction to Journalism 4JRNL001W Module
Introduction to Public Relations and Advertising 4PURL003W Module
Introduction To Research Skills (MUAS) 4MECM002C Module
Introduction to Screenwriting 7FMST010W Module
Introduction to the Business of Film 7FMPR001W Module
Introduction to Web Production and Design 4MEST010W Module
Investigation (IED Barcelona) 4FADE018C Module
Investigative Journalism 7JRNL008W Module
Journalism Practice and Inclusive Society 7MEDS017W Module
Journalism: Stories and Histories 4JRNL006W Module
Key Fashion Business Issues (MUAS) 5FAMN015C Module
Launch Pad 6GPDS005W Module
Level 4 Project 4BUDS001C Module
Level 5 Project (IED) 5BUDS001C Module
Level 6 Project (IED) 6BUDS001C Module
Live Projects 5GPDS002W Module
London: Cultural Capital of the World 4JRNL007X Module
Magazine Project 7JRNL011W Module
Major Project 6GPDS003W Module
Major Project 7MUPR005W Module
Major Project 7INME005W Module
Major Project 7BDIN011W Module
Major Project (IED) 6FAMNK010C Module
Major Project Design Research and Development 6GPDS002W Module
Major Project Production 6ANIM004W Module
Management (IED Barcelona) 6FADE016C Module
Media and Communication Research: Principles and Practice 5MECM004W Module
Media and Content Strategy 7PURL007W Module
Media and Globalisation 4MEST015W Module
Media and Management Theory (MUAS) 4MECM006C Module
Media and Society 4MEST016W Module
Media and the Climate Crisis 5MECM013W Module
Media Audiences in the Digital Age 7COMM006W Module
Media Economics (MUAS) 5MECM003C Module
Media Futures 6MEST001W Module
Media futures - foresight methods for media and content industries 7MECM007W Module
Media innovation and entrepreneurialism 7MECM005W Module
Media Insight and Intelligence for Public Relations and Advertising 4PURL001W Module
Media Law and Ethics 5JRNL002W Module
Media Management Dissertation 7MECM001W Module
Media management: theoretical foundations and application 7MECM002C Module
Media management: theoretical foundations and application 7MECM002W Module
Media Markets 7MECM003C Module
Media Markets 7MECM003W Module
Media Theory and Musicology (MUAS) 5MUCO001C Module
Media Work Experience 7MEST003W Module
Mobile Apps and Wearables 7MUPR010W Module
Mobile First: Creating Modern Multimedia 5MECM014W Module
Modern and Contemporary European Cinema 7FMST005W Module
Multimedia News Reporting 7JRNL012W Module
Multimedia Storytelling and Production 5JRNL006W Module
Music Radio 5RDPR002W Module
News Features Comment: Reporting & Writing in a Multi-Platform World 4JRNL002W Module
On Location 4TVPR003W Module
Online Advertising and Public Relations 5PURL004W Module
Pioneers of Animation Bootcamp: Theory of Practice Two 4ANIM004W Module
Pitch Produce Publish: Creating Modern Magazines 5JRNL001W Module
Podcast Production 7INME008W Module
Policies for Digital Convergence 7COMM010W Module
Political Analysis of Communications Policy 7COMM011W Module
Political Economy of Communication 7MEDS005W Module
Politics Journalism and the Media 5JRNL007W Module
Pop-Up Station 6RDPR002W Module
Precollection (IED Barcelona) 6FADE015C Module
Printmaking 4ILLU010W Module
Produce Your Own Podcast 5MECM016W Module
Producing Audio Drama 6RDPR003W Module
Producing Drama for Broadcast Digital Promotion and Distribution 4TVPR004W Module
Production / Collaboration Core 4ANIM003W Module
Production / Collaboration Options Elective module A 4ANIM006W Module
Production / Collaboration Options Elective module B 5ANIM003W Module
Production / Collaboration Options Elective Module C 5ANIM006W Module
Production / Collaboration Options Elective Module D 6ANIM002W Module
Professional Experience (DMC) 6MEST008W Module
Professional Life 5TVPR009W Module
Professional Practice 5GPDS003W Module
Professional Practice: Radio and Digital Production 6RDPR004W Module
Professional Project 7MECM008W Module
Public Relations and Advertising Final Project 6PURL003W Module
Public Relations Dissertation 7PURL008W Module
Public Relations in Society 7PURL009W Module
Representation 1 (IED Barcelona) 4FADE021C Module
Representation 2 (IED Barcelona) 5FADE017C Module
Research & Synthesis/Television 5TVPR006W Module
Research Project (Film) 6CINE006W Module
Researching Media and Communication 7COMM002W Module
Researching Media and Communication 5MEST015W Module
Screen 1: Working with Actors 4FMPR003W Module
Screen 2: Camera and Lighting Skills 5FMPR001W Module
Screen 2: Short Form Film and Video 5FMPR002W Module
Self-Representation and Digital Practice 7INME009W Module
Self-Shooting for Documentary 4TVPR008W Module
Sequence and Message 5GPDS007W Module
Social Media 7MEDS010W Module
Social Media Research Project 7MEDS009W Module
Specialist Journalism 1 5JRNL005W Module
Specialist Journalism 2 6JRNL003W Module
Specialist News and Features 5MECM017W Module
Specialist Public Relations 6MECM009W Module
Start-up Incubator and Digital Entrepreneurship 7MUMN010W Module
Story Structure and Style 5CINE004W Module
Storytelling Across Platforms 4MECM005W Module
Strategic and Marketing Communications 5MECM008W Module
Strategic Campaign Communications 7MEDS014W Module
Strategic Planning in Advertising 7PURL010W Module
Study Abroad (Visual Media) 5GPDS012W Module
Switch On: Key Concepts in TV 4TVPR006W Module
Talk Radio 5RDPR003W Module
Technology and Communications Policy 7COMM012W Module
Technology Fundamentals (IED) 4BUIS013C Module
Technology Management (IED) 6BUIS016C Module
Television and Media Professional Practice 6TVPR003W Module
Television Drama: Past Present and Future 4TVPR005W Module
Television in London 4TVPR007X Module
Television in London (Summer School) 4TVPR001X Module
Television In The Twenty-First Century 5TVPR004W Module
Textiles 1 (IED Barcelona) 4FADE019C Module
Textiles 2 (IED Barcelona) 5FADE018C Module
The Chinese Media 7MEST004W Module
The Sociology of News 7JRNL016W Module
Theories of Communication 7COMM013W Module
Theories of Development 7MEDS011W Module
Theories of Media and Communication 5MECM001W Module
Theories of Media and Communication (DMC) 5MEST007W Module
Theories of Media and Communication (Journalism) 5JRNL003W Module
Theories of Media and Communication (Radio and Digital Production) 5RDPR004W Module
Thesis (IED Barcelona) 6FADE013C Module
Transfer Skills I (MUAS) 4MEDP001C Module
Transfer skills II: Advanced academic working (MUAS) 5MEDP001C Module
Transfer skills III: Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Design (MUAS) 6MEDP001C Module
Transfer skills IIII (MUAS) 6MEDP005C Module
Transforming Audiences 6MECM016W Module
Transforming Audiences (DMC) 6MEST010W Module
Travel Journalism 7JRNL017W Module
Tune In: Key Contexts in TV 4TVPR001W Module
TV Advertising and Branded Content 5TVPR001W Module
TV Narratives: Traditions and Innovations 5TVPR010W Module
TV Production Study Abroad 5TVPR014W Module
TV: Adaptation & Invention 5TVPR011W Module
Typography 4GPDS003W Module
Typography and Communication 2 5GPDS005W Module
Understanding the Film and Television Industry 6CINE003W Module
User Experience (UX) and App Design 6MECM012W Module
UX Design and Development 7MUPR002W Module
UX/ UI Design 5GPDS009W Module
Visual Communication - Dissertation 6ILLU002W Module
Visual Communication - Major Project Production 6ILLU003W Module
Visual Communication - Professional Engagement & Enterprise 6ILLU001W Module
Visual Communication - Research Informed Practice 6ILLU004W Module
Visual Communication - Technologies 4ILLU002W Module
Visual Effects 4ANIM008W Module
Visual Messaging and Communication 4ILLU009W Module
Visual Narratives 4GPDS005W Module
Visual Representation 4GPDS006W Module
Visual Representation & Information 5GPDS004W Module
Visual Storytelling 5ILLU014W Module
Web Design 5MECM009W Module
Work Based and Placement Learning (Film) 5CINE007W Module
Work Placement (IED Barcelona) 5FADE021C Module
Working in Digital Media 1 5MECM002W Module
Working in Digital Media 2 6MECM013W Module
Writing and Directing for TV Drama 5TVPR012W Module

Lists linked to Westminster School of Media and Communications

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
MA Public Relations core reading Academic Year 2023/24 26/09/2023 12:45:27