Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
"Artistry, Innovation and Technology" 6MUSH008W Module
"Fashion Marketing, Promotion and Brand Management (IIT Sri Lanka)" 7FAMN003C Module
"Fashion Marketing, Promotion and Brand Management" 7FAMN003W Module
"Fashion, Film and Marketing" 4FAMK013W Module
"Music Industry Structure, Roles and Development" 7MUMN009W Module
"The Individual, Society and Fashion (IED)" 5FAMNK008C Module
5CTAD005W Videography 5CTAD005W Module
Advanced Audio Production 6MUPR002W Module
Advanced Music Production (CML) 5MUPR005C Module
Advanced Music Production 1 (CML) 5MUPR006C Module
Advanced Music Production 2 5MUPR007C Module
Anatomy of the Music Industry 4MUMN006C Module
Applied Innovation and Interactive Design 7MUPR001W Module
Art and design explorations 1 3ARTE001W Module
Art and design explorations 2 3ARTE002W Module
Artist Development 7MUMN001W Module
Artist Development in Practice 4MUSH006W Module
Artist Management and DIY Releasing 4MUMN008W Module
Audio Content Creation  5MUPR008C Module
Audio Essentials (CML) 4MUPR007C Module
Audio Visual Production and Cultural Theory 7MUPR003W Module
Becoming a Digital Practitioner for Music 3MUSI003W Module
Being an Artist: Product and Persona 5MUSH005W Module
Bridging Into Work 6MUSI004W Module
Business Experience 5FAMN003W Module
Business Modelling and Management (IED) 6FAMN010C Module
Business Placement 5FAMN020W Module
Business Placement (January - December) 5FAMN019W Module
Career development 5FAMN006W Module
Career Planning 4FAMN015W Module
Collection 6FADE003W Module
Combining Music & Sound for Interactive Media 4MUPR009C Module
Commercial Skills (SHAPE) 6FAMN003C Module
Communication Techniques and Strategy 1 (IED) 4FAMK004C Module
Communication Techniques and Strategy 2 (IED) 5FAMK005C Module
Communication techniques and strategy 3 (IED) 6FAMK005C Module
Composing for Media 5MUSH010W Module
Concepts of Contemporary Art Practice 5FIAR002W Module
Construction 4FADE003W Module
Consumer Behaviour 6FAMN008W Module
Contemporary Debates 7IMAG012W Module
Contemporary Fine Art and Professional Practice: Realisation 3.2 6FIAR003W Module
Contemporary Fine Art Ideas & Form 5FIAR004W Module
Contemporary Fine Art Practice 1 Experimentation 4FIAR003W Module
Contemporary Fine Art Practice 2.1 Exploration & Development 5FIAR001W Module
Contemporary Fine Art Practice 2.2 Presentation 5FIAR003W Module
Contemporary Fine Art Practice EXPERIMENTATION 4FIAR008W Module
Contemporary Fine Art Practice: Research and Development 3.1 6FIAR001W Module
Contexts of Contemporary Fine Art Practice 4FIAR004W Module
Convergent Media 5MEST003W Module
Creating the Attraction and Event Experiencescape 7EVMN004W Module
Creative Business Creation (CML) 5MUMN006C Module
Creative Business Creation (CML) 5MUMN007C Module
Creative Coding 5INME001W Module
Creative Digital Content Creation 5FADE016W Module
Creative Encounters: Collaborative discoveries and explorations 5CTAD001W Module
Creative Fashion Branding 6FADE011W Module
Creative Fashion Entrepreneurship 6FAMN018W Module
Creative Fashion Marketing Final Project 6FAMK012W Module
Creative Fashion Media and Promotion 4FAMK012W Module
Creative Identities and Making Digital Content 5MUSI005W Module
Creative Identity & You 5MUSI005C Module
Creative Practice Research Methodologies 7CTAD008W Module
Creative Practice Research Project 7CTAD007W Module
Creative Project 3MUSI004W Module
Creative Teams and Innovation in the Fashion Business 7FAMN006W Module
Creative Teams and Innovation in the Fashion Business (IIT Sri Lanka) 7FAMN006C Module
Creativity and Collaboration 4CTAD001W Module
Creativity and Collaboration for Fashion Marketing 4FAMK011W Module
Critical Perspectives on Media 5MEST002W Module
Critical Review 7IMAG026W Module
Data and Analytics in the Music Industry 6MUMN003W Module
Data Representation and Editing (IED) 4FAMK002C Module
Design Project 1: Skills 4FADE001W Module
Design Project 2: Sportswear 4FADE002W Module
Developing Contemporary Media Practice 4MEST017W Module
Developing Contemporary Media Practice 4MEST004W Module
Digital Fashion Branding and Promotion 5FAMK015W Module
Digital fashion communication & marketing (IED) 5FAMK001C Module
Digital Fashion Marketing 4FADE015W Module
Digital Media & Fashion Communication I (IED) 4FAMK009C Module
Digital Media & Fashion Communication II (IED) 5FAMK007C Module
Digital Media & Fashion Communication III (IED) 6FAMK009C Module
Digital Trading 5FAMN018W Module
Dissertation 7IMAG017W Module
Dissertation (Contextual study) 6FIAR002W Module
Dissertation CMP 6MEST003W Module
Emerging Music Markets 5MUMA001W Module
Entrepreneurship 7MUMN002W Module
Entrepreneurship and Project Management for Creative Industries 7MUMN003W Module
Entrepreneurship for Live Music 7MUMN014W Module
Exhibition 5IMAG005W Module
Extended Fashion Internship 5FADE006W Module
Extended Fashion Internship 5FADE023W Module
Fashion and Art (IED) 4FADE016C Module
Fashion Brand Management 6FAMN013W Module
Fashion Branding 6FAMN004W Module
Fashion Branding Strategies 5FADE012W Module
Fashion Business and Supply Chain Management (IIT Sri Lanka) 7FAMN001C Module
Fashion Business Simulation Game 6FAMN006W Module
Fashion Campaign Planning for Industry 5FADE011W Module
Fashion consumer culture (IED) 5FAMK002C Module
Fashion Consumer Trends 5FADE015W Module
Fashion Culture (IED) 4FADE008C Module
Fashion Cultures & Art (IED) 4FAMK010C Module
Fashion Design 1 (IED) 4FADE009C Module
Fashion Design 2 (IED) 5FADE008C Module
Fashion Design 3 (IED) 6FADE007C Module
Fashion Distribution & Retail (IED) 5FAMNK009C Module
Fashion Entrepreneurs (IED) 6FAMK007C Module
Fashion Entrepreneurship 6FAMN003W Module
Fashion Event Management 6FADE012W Module
Fashion Investigation (IED) 4FADE010C Module
Fashion Management (IED) 5FAMN014C Module
Fashion Management (IED) 4FAMN011C Module
Fashion Marketing 4FAMN003W Module
Fashion Marketing and Communication (IED) 4FAMK001C Module
Fashion Marketing campaign 6FADE010W Module
Fashion PR and Media (IED) 5FAMNK010C Module
Fashion Promotion 5FAMN008W Module
Fashion Retailing Strategies 5FADE014W Module
Fashion Styling and Brand Identity 4FADE013W Module
Fashion Trends 5FAMN005W Module
Fashion Trends and Consumer Culture 4FAMN008W Module
Fashion Visual Merchandising 4FADE012W Module
Final Major Project 6MUSI008W Module
Final Major Project 6MUSI007W Module
Final Major Project (Documentary Photography and Photojournalism) 7IMAG018W Module
Future Trends and Insight 6FAMN014W Module
Garment Technology 4FAMN007W Module
Global Fashion Retailing 5FAMN010W Module
Histories and Context - Documentary and Photojournalism 7JRNL007W Module
Identity 5FADE005W Module
Independent Practice 7JRNL010W Module
Individual and Professional Development 1 4MUSH004W Module
Individual and Professional Development 2 5MUSH004W Module
Industry Placement Semester 1 6CTAD002W Module
Industry Placement Year Semester 2 6CTAD003W Module
Industry Research and Engagement 5FAMN021W Module
Innovation for the Fashion Marketing Industry 6FAMK013W Module
Intellectual Property and Copyright Management 7MUMN004W Module
International Branding and sustainability (IED) 6FAMK002C Module
International Buying and Merchandising Negotiation (SHAPE) 6FAMN002C Module
Internship 5FADE003W Module
Introduction to Artist Identity 3MUSI002W Module
Introduction to Contemporary Media Practice 4MEST001W Module
Introduction to Contemporary Media Theory 4MEST003W Module
Introduction to Digital Marketing 4MUMA001C Module
Introduction to Fashion Management (IED) 4FAMK008C Module
Introduction to Fashion Marketing 4FADE014W Module
Introduction to Fashion Marketing (IED) 4FAMK007C Module
Introduction to Fashion Promotion 4FADE011W Module
Introduction to Mixed Media Fine Art Practice 4FIAR001W Module
Introduction to Music Production 3MUSI001W Module
Introduction to Music Publishing 4MUMN009W Module
Introduction to the Fashion Industry 4FAMN011W Module
Introduction to the Music Industries and Entrepreneurship 4MUMN006W Module
Live Matters: Music Performance as Culture and Industry 7MUMN011W Module
Live Music Business and Commerce 7MUMN013W Module
Live Music Management 5MUMN006W Module
Live Music Management Final Project 7MUMN015W Module
Live Projects: Curating Commissions and Work Experience 5MEST004W Module
London Fashion 4FAMN005W Module
Luxury Business Management 6FAMN009W Module
Major Project 6FAMN001W Module
Major Project 6FAMN015W Module
Major Project 7MUPR004W Module
Major Project (IED) 6FADE006C Module
Major Project (IED) 6FAMK001C Module
Major Project (IED) 6FAMK012C Module
Major Project (SHAPE) 6FAMN004C Module
Major Project CMP 6MEST005W Module
Major Project Research 6MEST002W Module
Major Project Research (IED) 6FADE009C Module
Making and modelling 3ARTE003W Module
Managing Change & Innovation in the Fashion Business 7FAMN005W Module
Managing the music city: Policy and strategy issues in the live music economy 7MUMN012W Module
Marketing and Communication Project 1 4FAMK005C Module
Marketing and Luxury Brand Development 6FAMK014W Module
Marketing and Promotion (CML) 5MUMA001C Module
Marketing techniques & strategy 1 (IED) 4FAMK003C Module
Marketing Techniques & Strategy 2 (IED) 5FAMK004C Module
Marketing techniques and strategy 3 (IED) 6FAMK004C Module
Masters Project 7IMAG015W Module
Material Light- lens based practice within a fine art context. 4FIAR005W Module
Media Explorations 4MEST006W Module
Media Frontiers 5MEST001W Module
Media Representations 4MEST005W Module
Menswear 1 7FADE001W Module
Menswear 2 7FADE002W Module
Menswear Industry 7FADE003W Module
Merchandise Planning and Trading 5FAMN015W Module
Modern Art in London 4FIAR007X Module
Music & Sound for Immersive and Experiential Content  5MUPR009C Module
Music Business and Enterprise 4MUMN007W Module
Music Business Management Final Project 7MUMN006W Module
Music Business Specialism 6MUMN001W Module
Music Contracts and Intellectual Property 6MUMN002W Module
Music in Context 4MUSH003W Module
Music Marketing and Branding 5MUMA003W Module
Music Marketing and Technology 7MUMN007W Module
Music Marketing Technologies 5MUMA002W Module
Music Production and Musicology 7MUPR006W Module
Music Production Fundamentals 4MUPR007W Module
Music Production Specialism 6MUPR001W Module
Music Production Studio and Live 5MUPR006W Module
Musicianship and Production (CML) 4MUPR005C Module
Musicianship for Production (CML) 4MUSH001C Module
New Media and Creative Promotion 6MEST013W Module
Orientation 7IMAG025W Module
Pattern and Dressmaking Techniques 1 (IED) 4FADE006C Module
Pattern and Dressmaking Techniques 2 (IED) 5FADE009C Module
Pattern and Dressmaking Techniques 3 (IED) 6FADE005C Module
Performance and Musicianship 1 4MUSH007W Module
Performance and Musicianship 2 5MUSH008W Module
Performing Identity 5MUSI002W Module
Photobooks, Magazines and Zines 5IMAG021W Module
Photographing the City: London 4IMAG016W Module
Photographing the City: London (Study Abroad) 4IMAG011X Module
Photographing the City: London (Summer School) 4IMAG012X Module
Photography & Aesthetics 7IMAG011W Module
Photography and its Origins 4IMAG002W Module
Photography Beyond The Frame 5IMAG001W Module
Photography Dissertation 6IMAG002W Module
Photography in Context 5IMAG003W Module
Photography in the Post War Era 4IMAG004W Module
Photography Major Project 1: Enquiry & Development 6IMAG001W Module
Photography Major Project 2: Realisation & Refinement 6IMAG003W Module
Photography Practice 7IMAG001W Module
Photography: Beyond The Frame 5IMAG017W Module
Photography: Enquiries and Responses 4IMAG015W Module
Photography: Identity and Place 4IMAG013W Module
Photography: Stranger than Fiction 4IMAG014W Module
Physical and Digital Fashion Space 5FADE013W Module
Pop Goes the Now: Deconstructing Popular Culture 5WSEL019W Module
Portfolio 1 4FADE025W Module
Portfolio 2 5FADE004W Module
Portfolio 3 6FADE004W Module
Pre-Collection 6FADE002W Module
Preparing for Work 5FAMN013W Module
Preparing for work in Merchandising 5FAMN001W Module
Producing Music 4MUPR008W Module
Producing Music 4MUPR006W Module
Production Essentials 4MUPR006C Module
Production Essentials 4MUPR008C Module
Professional Futures 6IMAG004W Module
Professional Launchpad 6MEST004W Module
Professional Practice 5FIAR005W Module
Professional Practice 5IMAG006W Module
Range Design and CAD 4FAMN006W Module
Range Design and Concept Development 5FAMN017W Module
Range Planning and Trading 5FAMN016W Module
Range Planning and Trading for Buyers and Merchandisers 5FAMN022W Module
Reconsidering Drawing 4FIAR006W Module
Recording Techniques 4MUPR005W Module
Representation Techniques 1 (IED) 4FADE005C Module
Representation Techniques 2 (IED) 5FADE007C Module
Research and Development (Photography) 7IMAG020W Module
Research and Synthesis 5MEST016W Module
Research for Creative Industries (IED) 6FAMK008C Module
Research Methods 6FAMN016W Module
Research Project 6MUSI006W Module
Research Project 6CTAD001W Module
Roots of Contemporary Music (CML) 4MUCO001C Module
Screen 1: Production Design for the Screen 4FMPR002W Module
Screen 1: Visual Effects and Animation 4FMPR001W Module
Scriptwriting For Media 5MEST006W Module
Seeing and doing 3ARTE004W Module
Skills 4FADE024W Module
Songwriting Track and Topline 4MUSH008W Module
Sources of Contemporary Fine Art Practice 4FIAR002W Module
Starting a Business in the Music Industry 6MUMN004W Module
Strategic Fashion Business Management 7FAMN007W Module
Strategic Fashion Business Management (IIT Sri Lanka) 7FAMN007C Module
Studio and Live Production 5MUPR005W Module
Study Skills for Fashion Business Management 4FAMN014W Module
Supply Chain 5FAMN014W Module
Surface 5FADE002W Module
Sustainability 4FADE023W Module
Sustainability and Business Ethics in the Fashion Industry 6FAMN017W Module
Sustainable Fashion 6FAMN005W Module
Synchronisation: Music and Brands 5MUMN007W Module
Synthesis and Sound Design for Animation 7MUPR008W Module
Textile Design 1 (IED) 4FADE007C Module
Textile Design 2 (IED) 5FADE010C Module
Textiles and Garment Sourcing 5FAMN007W Module
Textiles and Product Development 5FAMN004W Module
The Artist Performer Studio and Live 5MUSH011W Module
The Business of Live Music 5MUMN008W Module
The Buying Process 4FAMN009W Module
The Changing Business of Fashion 6FAMN002W Module
The Changing Business of Retail (SHAPE) 6FAMN001C Module
The Creative Industries and You 5MUSH006W Module
The Critical Image 5IMAG016W Module
The Fashion Business 4FAMN010W Module
The Fashion Business (1) Supply Chain Management 7FAMN001W Module
The Fashion Business (2) Retail Buying and Merchandising 7FAMN008W Module
The Fashion Business (2) Retail Buying and Merchandising (IIT Sri Lanka) 7FAMN008C Module
The Fashion Business Plan and Entrepreneurship 7FAMN004W Module
The Fashion Business Plan and Entrepreneurship (IIT Sri Lanka) 7FAMN004C Module
The Fashion Business Project 7FAMN002W Module
The Fashion Business Project (IIT Sri Lanka) 7FAMN002C Module
The Freelance Music Professional 6MUSI009W Module
The Live Music Industry 7MUMN005W Module
The Performing Artist 4MUSH009W Module
The Photo Book 7IMAG019W Module
The Photographic Eye 4IMAG001W Module
The Photographic Voice 5IMAG004W Module
The role of Buyers and Merchandisers in the Fashion Industry 4FAMN002W Module
The Roles and Processes of Buyers and Merchandisers 4FAMN013W Module
Theories of the Image 7IMAG014W Module
Thesis 6FADE001W Module
Trading and concept development 5FAMN009W Module
Transformation 4FADE004W Module
Transmedia Practices 5MEST005W Module
Vision and Technology 5IMAG002W Module
Visual and video techniques (IED) 5FAMK003C Module
Visual Arts (IED) 6FAMK003C Module
Visual Languages I (IED) 4FAMK006C Module
Visual Languages ll (IED) 5FAMK006C Module
Visual Languages lll (IED) 6FAMK006C Module
Visual Merchandising and Styling 5FAMN011W Module
Work Based and Placement Learning 5CTAD002W Module
Work Placement (IED) 6FADE008C Module
Work Placement Year (IED) 5FAMK011C Module
Working in Music 5MUSH009W Module
Writing Photography 7IMAG024W Module
Zero Waste 5FADE001W Module

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