Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
"CC3: Architecture, Climate Change and the Planetary Emergency" 6AEVD001W Module
"Climate, Energy and Architecture" 5AEVD006W Module
"English Law, Regulations, Construction Procurement and Contracts" 7ARCH007W Module
"Environmental Policy, Assessment and Climate Change" 7PLAN029W Module
"Modifying Transport Behaviour: Theory, Practice and Politics" 7TRAN037W Module
"Public Realm: Significance, Design, Experience" 7PLAN015W Module
"Reading London: Place, Experience and Representation" 7ARCH012W Module
"Streets, Places and Active Transport" 7TRAN027W Module
"Tourism, Culture and Society" 7TOUR011W Module
"Urbanism and Design: Form, Context and Philosophies" 7PLAN027W Module
Air Traffic Management Scheduling and Network Planning 7TRAN035W Module
Air Transport Economics 7TRAN001W Module
Air Transport Forecasting and Market Research 7TRAN002W Module
Air Transport Management and Operations 7TRAN003W Module
Air Transport Policy and Planning 7TRAN004W Module
Airline and Airport Management 7TRAN034W Module
Airline Marketing and Business Models 7TRAN006W Module
Airport Finance and Strategy 7TRAN008W Module
Analysing Transport Data 7TRAN024W Module
Applied Technical Studies 7ARCH002W Module
Architectural Practice Management 7ARCH003W Module
Architectural Productions I 6ARCH001W Module
Architectural Productions II 7ARCH022W Module
Architectural Reflections I 6ARCH002W Module
Architectural Reflections II 7ARCH023W Module
Architectural Technology Placement Year 5BUIL014W Module
Architecture and Environmental Design Placement Year 5ARCH016W Module
Architecture Placement Year 5ARCH014W Module
Case Study 7AIDE003W Module
CC1: A History of Architecture 4ARCH008W Module
CC2: Architectural History & Urbanism 5ARCH006W Module
CC3: Dissertation 6ARCH008W Module
City Re-Imagined: Conceptual Design for Right to City 7ARCH004W Module
City Tourism and Urban Change 6TOUR007W Module
Climate Positive Environments 7AEVD002W Module
Communities Towards Sustainability: Public Engagement 7PLAN040W Module
Conservation and Heritage 7PLAN041W Module
Construction and Environmental Design 4URDE001W Module
Contemporary Issues in Designing Cities 4PLAN002W Module
Contexts of Sustainable Heritage and Intervention 7ASHE002W Module
Critical Issues in Architecture 7ARCH021W Module
Critical Themes in Events Management 6EVMN002W Module
Current Debates in Tourism 4TOUR004W Module
Decoding the Interior 7AIDE002W Module
Delivering the Event Experience 7EVMN006W Module
DES1A: Introduction to Design and Skills 4ARCH010W Module
DES1A: Introduction to Design and Skills 4ARCH013W Module
DES1B: Design Project 4ARCH011W Module
DES2A: Design and the Environment 5ARCH009W Module
DES2A: Design Investigation 5ARCH012W Module
DES2B: Design Projects 5ARCH010W Module
DES3A: Design and Technical Exploration 6ARCH012W Module
DES3A: Design and Technical Exploration 6ARCH009W Module
DES3B: Major Design Project 6ARCH010W Module
Design Development (DD) 7ARCH005W Module
Design in Cities 5AEVD001W Module
Design Practice 4BUIL010W Module
Design Principles (Design 2) 4BUIL002W Module
Design Project 1 (Design 4) 5BUIL004W Module
Design Project 2 (Design 5) 5BUIL007W Module
Design Studio 1 4BUIL012W Module
Design Studio 2 5BUIL013W Module
Design Studio 3 6BUIL002W Module
Designing in Extreme Climatic Conditions 5AEVD003W Module
Destination Development - Case Study Perspectives 7TOUR008W Module
Destinations 5TOUR002W Module
Development Process and Property Markets 5URDE001W Module
Dissertation 7ARCH006W Module
Dissertation 7TOUR009W Module
Dissertation 7TOUR001W Module
Dissertation / Major Project 7PLAN001W Module
Dissertation/Major Project (Urban Design) 7PLAN002W Module
Dissertation/Policy Implementation Project and Colloquium 7PLAN003W Module
Emerging Landscapes and Urban Ecologies 7PLAN033W Module
Employability for Tourism and Events 6TOUR005W Module
Energy and Carbon 7AEVD006W Module
Environmental and Energy Performance 6AEVD004W Module
Environmental Design and Principles of Building Physics 4AEVD001W Module
Ethnographic Ways of Knowing: Critical and Creative Explorations of Site 7ARCH008W Module
Event Concepts and Design 7EVMN002W Module
Event Design and Technology 6EVMN003W Module
Event Experience Design 6EVMN007W Module
Event Operations 5EVMN003W Module
Event Planning and Management 7EVMN001W Module
Event Production and Technology 5EVMN004W Module
Eventful Cities 6EVMN009W Module
Events for Culture and Society 6EVMN008W Module
Events in the Business Environment 5EVMN005W Module
Events Strategy 7EVMN003W Module
Evidence-Based Envrionmental Architecture 7AEVD001W Module
Exhibition Design 5ARCH008W Module
Final Thesis Project 6AEVD002W Module
Freight Transport and Logistics Services 7TRAN010W Module
Fundamentals of Environmental Design 7AEVD003W Module
Global Festivals and Events 7EVMN007W Module
Heritage Theory and Practice: Dissertation 7ASHE003W Module
Heritage Tourism 5TOUR003W Module
History of Architectural and Urban Form 4URDE002W Module
Hospitality in Tourism and Events 4TOUR006W Module
Housing and Urban Regeneration 7HOUS002W Module
Information Management Applications for Urban Planning 7TRAN036W Module
Interior Practices 6ARCH007W Module
International Planning Field Trip 7PLAN005W Module
International Spatial Planning Practice 7PLAN006W Module
Intro to Design Computing 7ARCH009W Module
Land Use Planning and Transport 7TRAN013W Module
Logistics and the External Environment 7TRAN014W Module
Logistics Management in a Retail Supply Chain Context 7TRAN016W Module
Major Design Project (MDP) 7ARCH010W Module
Major Project 3ARCH004W Module
Major Thesis Project 7ARCH011W Module
Making and Managing Places 7PLAN007W Module
Making Practices 3ARCH002W Module
Managing Airports 6TOUR004W Module
Marketing Tourism and Events 5EVMN001W Module
Master Planning 7PLAN008W Module
Material studies and Environmental Design 5AEVD002W Module
Materials and Technologies for Interior Architecture 4ARCH012W Module
Media Space and Network Culture 7ARCH024W Module
MSc Air Transport Planning and Management - Additional Activities Programme 7TRAN031W Module
Place and experience in design of urban spaces 7PLAN030W Module
Place and Experience in Design of Urban Spaces 7PLAN038W Module
Planning Field Trip 7PLAN009W Module
Planning for the Visitor Economy 4TOUR005W Module
Planning for Urban Risk and Resilience 7PLAN010W Module
Planning in a Globalising World 7PLAN011W Module
Planning Research: Methods and Skills 7PLAN035W Module
Planning Theory and Practice 1 7PLAN012W Module
Planning Theory and Practice 2 7PLAN013W Module
Post Carbon Culture 7AEVD004W Module
Principles of Events Management 4EVMN002W Module
Professional Case Study 7ARCH013W Module
Professional Development and Experience 7ARCH014W Module
Professional Planning Practice Week 1 7PLAN046W Module
Professional Planning Practice Week 2 7PLAN047W Module
Professional Planning Practice Week 3 7PLAN048W Module
Professional Planning Practice Week 4 7PLAN049W Module
Professional Practice 6AEVD005W Module
Professional Practice 7TOUR003W Module
Professional Practice 6BUIL010W Module
Programming and Computational Design 7ARCH015W Module
Project: Planning for Integrated Neighbourhoods 4PLAN004W Module
Project: Planning Policy and Design Intervention 6PLAN005W Module
Project: Regeneration and Development 5PLAN005W Module
Project: Townscape & Conservation 5URDE002W Module
Prototype Fabrication and Testing 6AEVD003W Module
PS1: Introduction to Design Practice 4ARCH014W Module
PS2: Site Diary 5ARCH011W Module
PS3: Preparing for Practice 6ARCH011W Module
Reading Spaces 3ARCH003W Module
Recording Place 3ARCH001W Module
Reflective Practice for Spatial Planning 7PLAN032W Module
Reflective Practice in Design and Spatial Planning 7PLAN045W Module
Research and Communication Skills 7TOUR010W Module
Research and Positioning 7ARCH016W Module
Research and Thesis Positioning 7ARCH025W Module
Research Dissertation 7TRAN019W Module
Research Dissertation (Logistics) 7TRAN020W Module
Research Dissertation (Transport) 7TRAN021W Module
Research Methods and the Built Environment 7PLAN017W Module
Research Methods in Built Environment Studies 7ASHE001W Module
Research Report 6PLAN004W Module
Research Skills for Logistics 7TRAN033W Module
Responsible Management for Tourism and Events 7TOUR012W Module
Retail Design 7AIDE004W Module
Site and Motion 7ARCH017W Module
Skills for Planning & Architecture: analysis and visual communication 4PLAN003W Module
Skills for Planning Practice 7PLAN018W Module
Space and Identity: Design Project 7ARCH026W Module
Sports Events Tourism 5TOUR004W Module
Staging an Event 6EVMN001W Module
Strategic Planning for Tourism 4TOUR003W Module
Strategic Spatial Planning 5PLAN004W Module
Studies in Design 1: Design Fundamentals 4ARCH006W Module
Studies in Design 2: Design Strategies 4ARCH007W Module
Studies in Design 3: Culture and Alteration 5ARCH004W Module
Studies in Design 4: Material and Detail 5ARCH005W Module
Studies in Design 5: Spatial Narratives 6ARCH005W Module
Studies in Design 6: Thesis Project 6ARCH006W Module
Study Skills and Employability 4TOUR002W Module
Supervised Research Project 6TOUR001W Module
Sustainability and Environment 6SUEV001W Module
Sustainable Cities and Neighbourhoods 7PLAN019W Module
Sustainable Design + Technology Research Project 6BUIL011W Module
Sustainable Neighbourhood Development and Management 7PLAN020W Module
Sustainable Supply Chains With Focus on Freight Transport 7TRAN026W Module
Sustainable Tourism in the Developing World 6TOUR002W Module
Technical Study 7AIDE005W Module
Technologies of Architecture 1 4BUIL011W Module
Technologies of Architecture 2 5BUIL012W Module
The Airline Industry 5TOUR005W Module
The Business of Tourism 7TOUR004W Module
The Dynamic City: Urban Design and Planning in Context 7PLAN036W Module
The Politics of Tourism 6TOUR003W Module
The Research Process 5TOUR001W Module
Theories of Critical Practices in Architecture 7ARCH027W Module
Theories of Identity 7ARCH019W Module
Thesis Development 7ARCH020W Module
Thesis Project 7AEVD008W Module
Thesis Project 7AIDE006W Module
Thesis Topic 7AEVD007W Module
Time-based Media 5ARCH007W Module
Tourism and its Dynamics (WIUT) 4TOUR001C Module
Tourism and the Mediterranean: Comparative Study 6TOUR006W Module
Tourism Marketing and Entrepreneurship 7TOUR005W Module
Tourism Placement Year 5TOUR009W Module
Transport Economics 7TRAN028W Module
Transport Policy and Politics 7TRAN030W Module
TS1: Introduction to Technical Studies 4ARCH009W Module
TS2: Environmental Design Study: Mapping and Modelling 5ARCH013W Module
TS3: Technical Design Study: Exploration and Application 6ARCH013W Module
Understanding Events 4EVMN001W Module
Understanding Tourism 4TOUR001W Module
Urban Design and Development Process 7PLAN037W Module
Urban Design and Planning in Context 7PLAN021W Module
Urban Design Field Trip 7PLAN024W Module
Urban Design Project 7PLAN039W Module
Urban Form and Growth 7PLAN034W Module
Work Experience and Professional Practice 6PLAN003W Module
Zero-plus Energy Buildings 5AEVD004W Module

Lists linked to School of Architecture and Cities

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Equity in Architecture Academic Year 2023/24 27/07/2022 13:36:30
Equity in Interiors Academic Year 2023/24 24/07/2022 21:04:53
Equity in Planning Academic Year 2023/24 27/07/2022 15:10:12
Equity in Transport Academic Year 2023/24 27/07/2022 15:11:30
Equity in Urban Design Academic Year 2023/24 28/07/2022 15:50:36
First year Architecture essential reading Academic Year 2023/24 23/08/2023 16:53:23